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Earn by Sending Emails? The Best Cliqly Email Marketing Review in 2024

When I first heard about Cliqly, I have to admit I was intrigued by its unique “send emails, get paid” model. The promise of earning commissions just by running email campaigns sounded almost too good to be true. But being the curious marketer that I am, I decided to give it a try and see for myself.

In this honest review, I'll share my firsthand experience using Cliqly, the pros and cons I encountered, and whether I think it's a legitimate email marketing solution worth considering.

The Good: Cliqly's Standout Features

I have to give credit where it's due – Cliqly does have some genuinely useful features for email marketers. The pre-built email templates were a great time-saver, allowing me to quickly put together professional-looking campaigns. The email automation tools also made it easy to schedule and sequence my messages.

One feature I found particularly interesting was the ability to segment my email list based on subscriber engagement. This helped me tailor the content and offers to different groups, which resulted in higher open and click-through rates.

The Affiliate Program: A Double-Edged Sword

The Cliqly affiliate program was undoubtedly the platform's main draw for me. The prospect of earning commissions just by referring others was enticing. I dove in, sharing my unique affiliate link wherever I could.

At first, the payouts were decent, and I was earning a nice side income. However, as I dug deeper, I started to notice some red flags. The affiliate program had a lot of fine print and complex requirements to actually withdraw your earnings. It felt more like a pyramid scheme than a legitimate affiliate model.

Moreover, I was constantly getting messages from other Cliqly affiliates, all trying to get me to upgrade my account or sign up new members under them. The aggressive sales tactics left a bad taste in my mouth and made me question the authenticity of the platform.

The Risks: Proceed with Caution

After my initial excitement wore off, I began to have serious doubts about Cliqly's long-term viability and the sustainability of its business model. The “send emails, get paid” concept is inherently risky, as it relies heavily on the continued growth of the platform's user base.

I spoke to several other Cliqly users, and the reviews were mixed at best. Some claimed to be making a killing, while others reported losing significant sums of money due to the platform's complex rules and requirements.

Ultimately, I decided that the potential rewards of Cliqly simply didn't outweigh the risks. The constant pressure to upgrade, the pyramid-like affiliate structure, and the overall uncertainty surrounding the platform's future made me hesitant to invest any more time or money into it.

Alternatives to Consider

If you're looking for a more reliable and sustainable email marketing solution, I'd recommend exploring alternatives like,

GetResponse logo transparent


+ Unlimited newsletter
+ Autoresponders
+ Websites & landing pages
+ Signup forms & popups
+ 24/7 live chat support


+ 12,000 monthly emails
+ Drag & drop editor
+ Email automation builder
+ Signup forms & pop-ups
+ 24/7 Email & chat support for up to 30 days
HubSpot logo png hosting

+ Live chat
+ 50 active lists, 1,000 static lists, Additional limits
+ Email and in-app chat support
+ Available to customers with an integrated Stripe account.
+ 1,000 custom properties per object.

These platforms may not have the same “get paid” incentive, but they offer a much more stable and transparent approach to email marketing.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, while Cliqly does have some interesting features, I can't in good conscience recommend it as a primary email marketing platform. The risks and downsides simply outweigh the potential benefits, in my opinion.

If you do decide to try Cliqly, please proceed with caution and a critical eye. Carefully review the terms and conditions, understand the affiliate program's requirements, and be prepared to walk away if things start to feel too risky or unethical.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. But as an experienced marketer, I believe there are better, more reliable options out there for building and nurturing your email list.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cliqly Email Marketing Platform

Cliqly's model involves users signing up and sending pre-written emails to their contacts. In return, Cliqly promises to pay the user a commission for each email sent.

While it is possible to earn some money through Cliqly's affiliate program, the platform's business model is often criticized as being pyramid scheme-like, with high risks and no guarantees of consistent payouts.

Cliqly is not an outright scam, but its business practices and the way it operates raise significant concerns about its legitimacy and long-term sustainability.

Pros: Cliqly offers pre-built email templates, automation tools, and the potential to earn commissions. Cons: High-risk business model, complex requirements, aggressive affiliate marketing tactics, and mixed user reviews.

Cliqly's affiliate program allows users to earn commissions by referring others to the platform. However, the program has many fine print requirements and a pyramid scheme-like structure, making it a high-risk endeavor.

More established and reputable email marketing platforms like MailChimp, Constant Contact, and Mailjet offer similar features without the pyramid scheme-like risks of Cliqly.

Based on the concerns raised about Cliqly's business model and the potential risks involved, it's generally advisable to explore more reliable and transparent email marketing solutions instead.

Ashen Thilakarathna
Ashen Thilakarathna
Articles: 35

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